Aims and Scope


The Journal of Theology and Islamic Wisdom is a double-blind peer-reviewed publication. This open-access journal features original articles that are rigorously reviewed by experts, covering a wide range of topics related to the relationship between wisdom and theological studies. In line with Al-Mustafa International University's comprehensive mission to promote research and education, this journal aims to present new trends and advancements in the field of theology and wisdom to students and researchers. It is an ideal choice for researchers who prefer to integrate wisdom topics with contemporary sciences and to elucidate the field of wisdom and theology.



1. This journal aims to offer a comprehensive overview of the following topics for researchers in the fields of theology and wisdom, particularly in interdisciplinary areas:   

Islamic Philosophy and Wisdom
     a) Islamic Philosophy    
     b) Islamic Mysticism   

General Wisdom Topics     
      a) Theology and Modern Theological Issues     
       b) The Awaited Savior and the End Times     
       c) Modern Atheism  

General Theology     
       a) Islamic Ethics     
       b) Educational Sciences and Knowledge     
       c) Related interdisciplinary fields such as Islamic psychology, educational sciences, etc.

2. Publishing the results of systematic and issue-based research in the fields of wisdom and theology.

3. Providing a platform for interdisciplinary scientific production.

4. Orientation of the human sciences based on religious teachings.

5. Addressing doubts and controversies related to the fields of wisdom and theology.